How to vet a potential web marketing company?

Web marketing can be vital to your business and you need to know that whoever or whichever company undertakes it, is going to do a good job and position you towards the top of the search engines for your main phrases. There are a huge number of avenues when it comes to online marketing, but essentially it can be split in to paid for an organic. Paid for is exactly that, it is payig to feature on another site, search engine or advert and allows you to promote your business across other platforms such as YouTube, Facebook etc. Organic is where you get your website found through searches people carry out on Google / Bing etc and where your web page has been chosen by the search engine to be displayed there because it thinks your site is highly relevant to the term that is being searched for. There are so many techniques involved in online marketing that it is important you choose a company that knows what they are doing and the best way to see if this is true is to check out some of their results. Be sure to look at other websites they have worked on and see where they rank on the search engines. Don’t be afraid to ask for references and to do a bit of your own research to find out more about their current clients.

Facebook advertising can work wonders for your business

Marketing is essential to any business to make it a success. There are a number of different types of marketing you can do and which ones you choose may depend on budget and what industry you are in. Facebook is one of the most, if not the most popular social media website. It has grown massively in population over the last decade and now many businesses are taking advantage of the marketing opportunities that it can offer. Facebook marketing does work better for businesses within some industries than others.

If you have a business, then you definitely should have a profile on Facebook, whether it be a page, a group or a listing that advertises your business. This is not just to attract potential customers but also because Google use social media as part of their ranking algorithm and you may find that your social media pages are helping to boost your search engine rankings.

Facebook offer an advertising programme to allow you to share your page with people in a certain location, based on keywords you select. You can choose a daily budget and then select your ads to show for a certain time period or indefinitely. You can monitor your advert and make changes as necessary.