Understanding what types of visitors you want to attract to your site

When it comes to marketing your website, it is important to understand what type of visitor you want to attract. You may think that you need to get as much traffic to your site as possible, but unless you sell advertising space, then often quality should be focused on over quantity. This is especially true when it comes to traffic generated through Pay per Click where you are paying for your visitors. When using pay per click it is vital that you only attract visitors that are looking for the products or services you sell and the best way to do this is to ensure that your campaigns are specific and relevant. Making sure you only target relevant keywords, using the correct match type and targeting the locations you serve will allow you to get the best results and allow your budget to go further.

You need to consider who your target audience are and then adapt your website to appeal to them. For example, if you are advertising bouncy castles for birthday parties then you may want to make the site look bright and colourful. If you are advertising health products then you may go for a more natural and clean look to the site.

Ensuring you get the balance right when it comes to social media marketing

Social media sites can be an extremely useful marketing tool especially at the moment when many companies are having to do all their trading online. The beauty of social media is that you can reach thousands of customers in an instance but you do need to build up your following in order to get the best out of it.

Many businesses struggle to know what sort of things they should be talking about on social media and how to engage people. It can also be trick to knowhow often you should be updating your profile.

There is a balance that is needed to ensure that your account is active but not too much that people feel that you are spamming them. If you post too often especially if it is about the same thing or not relevant to everyone, you may find this has the opposite effect you want and actually ends up causing people to leave.

Social media online marketing

With businesses looking for more and more ways in which they can connect with their customer or potential customers with less face to face contact, social media marketing is more important than ever.

Much of the population in the UK uses or has access to social media accounts. When someone has a social media account you can often target them based on certain criteria such as age or location. You can possibly even drill down either further and target people who have shown an interest in a particular sport or hobby.

Some businesses may find it easier to use social media as a marketing tool than others. Businesses that deal directly with the public often find it easy to engage with customers through social media and don’t have too much of an issue creating posts and post updates. Businesses in other industries may struggle a little more, especially as social media can be quite informal. Business that are in a professional industry such as accountants, solicitors etc may worry about what they put on their social media, but social media can still be quite formal as long as you get the balance right. For example, you may want to put on a news article about politic news updates but then follow it with one about something that is going on in your office.

How to use email marketing for your business

If you have a business and currently use or want to try email marketing then you need to put some time in to carefully considering the content that is included in the email and importantly, the subject line.

Although it can work very well for many businesses, there is a way in which it needs to be done to ensure that it is successful otherwise it is likely to fail. You will get the best results if you email direct to your own database of customers rather than using a cheap bought list which may contain a lot of out of date email address etc. IF you are going to use a mailing company such as Mail Chip to send out your email, then they stipulate that you have to have the consent off everyone that you are emailing and bought lists will not be accepted. This is especially important since the introduction of GDPR.

The subject line is of massive importance on an email as it is often the first thing the viewer will read and can be the deciding factor between opening the email and deleting it. Knowing what to put on a subject line can be tricky and you must remember to restrict the length of your subject line to ensure that it is seen.

Is your website attracting your target clients?

Target clients are a group of people who you consider to be specifically interested in your products and services and as such are the people who you want to find your website amongst the vast array of websites available online. How do you ensure that your website is attracting these clients and that they are clicking on the appropriate links to find the information they require?

A meeting with a recommended web designer to discuss your options is an excellent place to start as they will be able to advise you on the best way forward. Your marketing budget can be discussed, and most web designers will be able to provide an effective website to fit your budget within reason.

Make clear at this meeting who your target client group are and discuss your ideas for how to direct your clients to the relevant pages of your site. If your website has broken links or too much irrelevant information potential clients will become frustrated and look elsewhere so it is important that the site is well managed and kept up to date. This can be done in house which can work out cheaper or can be undertaken by a web management company.