How to vet a potential web marketing company?

Web marketing can be vital to your business and you need to know that whoever or whichever company undertakes it, is going to do a good job and position you towards the top of the search engines for your main phrases. There are a huge number of avenues when it comes to online marketing, but essentially it can be split in to paid for an organic. Paid for is exactly that, it is payig to feature on another site, search engine or advert and allows you to promote your business across other platforms such as YouTube, Facebook etc. Organic is where you get your website found through searches people carry out on Google / Bing etc and where your web page has been chosen by the search engine to be displayed there because it thinks your site is highly relevant to the term that is being searched for. There are so many techniques involved in online marketing that it is important you choose a company that knows what they are doing and the best way to see if this is true is to check out some of their results. Be sure to look at other websites they have worked on and see where they rank on the search engines. Don’t be afraid to ask for references and to do a bit of your own research to find out more about their current clients.

Choosing the right CMS for your website

When it comes to having a website, you can either choose to have it built using one of the many popular off the shelf content management systems or a bespoke one. Which one you choose very much depends on what exactly you want your website to be able to do.

If you have a website that is going to be fairly straight forward and you wan it to be easy for many different members of your team to be able to update it and make changes then you may deicide to opt for an off the shelf one. There are often a lot of different help guides, tutorials and videos out there to allow you to easily find out how to do something if you get stuck. The other added advantages of these systems is that if you have to move website provider, they can often be taken over by a different company with ease.

If you need a website that has a lot of bespoke functionality or that you want to be able to grow in the future without restrictions, then a bespoke CMS system may be more for you. This can be added to as and when needed and if the functionality does not already exist it can usually be programmed in.

Making your own photography website

When building a website to promote your business it’s important to first think what type of clientele you are aiming your advertising at. As a professional photographer your main jobs will probably be weddings, baby photo shoots and family portraits. You may also look to showcase work you could do for model/fashion shoots and professional head shots.

Having a gallery of your previous work is essential and you may want to organise these into clickable links of photo albums such as ‘Weddings’, ‘Baby shoots’ etc.

You could also offer packages for your work to get people interested in booking in with you.

Many photographers offer gift vouchers which you may want to promote on your website as ‘The ideal baby gift’ or ‘Beautiful mother-to-be photo shoot’ as these would be popular website purchases.

You may want to include a contact form on your website too so that people can message you for a personalised quotation.

If you want customers to be able to use the website to log-in and view their photographs once you have uploaded them, you will need to have this built into the website design.

You may also want to offer an online booking calendar that shows your availability for customers to book in jobs directly.

How to make your website stand out from the crowd

Most businesses have hundreds if not thousands of competitors all fighting for attention and ultimately business. So, in such a dense area of competition how can you make sure that your business stands out? One great way to set yourself apart from the competition is through your website. Here are some top tips to create an eye-catching attention-grabbing website to boost your business.

  • Nice clear font choice – this is really important, if a potential customer is struggling to read your chosen font, then they will quickly lose interest in the text that they are reading.
  • Easy intuitive navigation – there is nothing worse than getting lost on a website unable to quickly find the information that you are looking for. If people have to keep clicking through to different areas of the website you will find they will quickly lose interest and search for a better site.
  • Eye-catching colour scheme – this doesn’t necessarily mean bright over-the-top colours either. It could be a trendy colour scheme such as grey and mustard or an interesting shade of similar tones that suit your brand and logo design. 
  • Regular relevant content uploaded – this could be in the form of blogs or relevant news articles to keep regular visitors to your website interested.

Designing your own vintage clothing website

The advantages to any business of having a website is obvious as for so many people the internet is their first port of call when they are looking to buy, but if the website is going to promote the business it needs to be designed in such a way to attract customers and keep them interested and ultimately purchasing.

Some of the most important aspects for a vintage clothing site are good quality images and accurate descriptions of the products so that customers know exactly what they are buying. There is no need for images to be taken by a professional photographer as most of us have a high-tech camera, in the form of a smartphone, in our pockets. There are many photo editing apps available to make the images look professional whilst also keeping them true to life.

It is important to spend some time thinking about the home page of the website making sure that it reflects the ethos of the company as this will be the first impression anyone visiting the site will see. The trend for more minimalistic web pages may not fit the image conjured up by vintage clothing but try to avoid putting too much content on the home page, rather add details of the business on further pages on the site.

Regular website maintenance can reduce hitches

There is nothing more frustrating when visiting a website than if links are broken, graphics do not work as they should, and the website pages are slow to load. Regular reviews and ongoing maintenance of the site should help to eliminate these hitches and keep the website optimised.

It is time consuming to make sure that your website is optimised on a regular basis but if your company relies heavily on business generated through your website it is vitally important to do this.

Employing a web content strategist to keep your website up to date and optimised is a good solution to this problem as they will have expert knowledge concerning the most effective way of achieving the results you need. The cost of using their services will easily be recouped from extra business that is generated and sales that have not been lost through potential client frustration.

Business owners need to have regular contact with the web content strategist either face to face or online to update them with new website content and any changes within the company that are relevant such as new products and services. This partnership between tech expert and web client is the key to keeping the website relevant and effective.

Expanding your website

The beauty of websites is that once they are built you don’t have to stop there. They can be continually added to over time and evolve. There may come a time when you feel you want to start over completely with a fresh design but a good structured website can withstand a number of additions and changes before it gets to this point.

Once your website goes live you can start to straight away think about what steps you may want to take next. Often it is a good idea to leave it as it is for a few months until you have some data to work with. This will tell you roughly how many visitors you are getting to the site and what they are doing once they land on the site. From this information you can then decide what you may need change or add.

If you have an ecommerce site where you sell products online then you may start to add more and more products over time. You may also look to expand the back end system to allow return customers to log in, view past orders and even track order deliveries or place repeat orders.

Pushing your web design business to the next level

If you are a web designer or developer then there may come a time when you really need to push your services in order to bring in more work and expand. Before you expand you need to ensure that you are ready to take on the extra work. This means not just having the time to do the designing or programming but also the time for the admin that may be involved. It could be that you decide to employ someone else to work for you which would mean changing the business structure if you are currently self employed.

Finding good programmers and designers is very hard. You need to ensure that they are reliable and trustworthy and that they are able to work to deadlines. Deadlines are vital when working on web projects as you may need to get a website live for a certain date. Ideally, you need to work back from the live date to plan when you want the designs to be finished and then when the programming will be completed giving you plenty of time to test the site before setting it live. You can also then give your clients timelines for when you need the content and images etc.

How to sell your template website

If you are a web developer then you may consider making a template website to sell. Using a template website can make it easier for you when you come to do the programming as most of the hard work is done and you just need to adapt it each time for your new client.

Often smaller businesses do not have the funds to be able to spend thousands on a website and many programmers offer them something that is beyond what they want or need. This can mean that they simply do not go ahead with having a website created. Instead, it may be a good idea to create a template site that you can sell based on a 4 or 5 page brochure site. You could also create a list of addons that you could sell along side the main site if some clients which to upgrade.

If you use an off the shelf content management system such as WordPress, then you may decide to build your own theme. This theme can then be duplicated on a number of sites and adapted accordingly. This can also make it easier to do updates as the updates will probably work across the board.

Checking your ecommerce website before setting it live

Having an ecommerce website can help you earn an income online. There are a number of different payment gateways that you may choose to integrate such as Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay etc. All of these have different payment terms and ways in which you will receive the money. It is vital that before you set your ecommerce website live, you have checked that the payment gateway is working as it should. You can usually put the payment gateway in to test mode to check it uses fake card numbers. This will allow you to completely check the check out process and also email notifications etc.

IF at all possible, it is advisable to do a real purchase via the system. You may set up a product that is only a pound or so to allow you to make the purchase through the site. This way you can see what happens to the money afterwards and how long it takes to hit your account. IF there are any issues that arise at this point you then have time to rectify them before the site is set live to the general public, which could save you a lot of hassle in the long run.