How to use email marketing for your business

If you have a business and currently use or want to try email marketing then you need to put some time in to carefully considering the content that is included in the email and importantly, the subject line.

Although it can work very well for many businesses, there is a way in which it needs to be done to ensure that it is successful otherwise it is likely to fail. You will get the best results if you email direct to your own database of customers rather than using a cheap bought list which may contain a lot of out of date email address etc. IF you are going to use a mailing company such as Mail Chip to send out your email, then they stipulate that you have to have the consent off everyone that you are emailing and bought lists will not be accepted. This is especially important since the introduction of GDPR.

The subject line is of massive importance on an email as it is often the first thing the viewer will read and can be the deciding factor between opening the email and deleting it. Knowing what to put on a subject line can be tricky and you must remember to restrict the length of your subject line to ensure that it is seen.